Prostatism Symptom Score

In Past Month have you had the under mentioned symptoms ?
Have you felt like your bladder is not completely empty after urination in the past month ?

None (0 points)

Less than once every 5 times (1 point)

Less than once every 2 times (2 points)

About once every 2 times (3 points)

More than once every 2 times (4 points)

Almost always (5 points)
Have you had to go to the toilet within 2 hours of doing so in the past month ?

None (0 points)

Less than once every 5 times (1 point)

Less than once every 2 times (2 points)

About once every 2 times (3 points)

More than once every 2 times (4 points)

Almost always (5 points)
Have you had disrupted urination in the past month?

None (0 points)

Less than once every 5 times (1 point)

Less than once every 2 times (2 points)

About once every 2 times (3 points)

More than once every 2 times (4 points)

Almost always (5 points)
Have you found it hard to control urine in the past month ?

None (0 points)

Less than once every 5 times (1 point)

Less than once every 2 times (2 points)

About once every 2 times (3 points)

More than once every 2 times (4 points)

Almost always (5 points)
Have you had a case of weak urination in the past month ?

None (0 points)

Less than once every 5 times (1 point)

Less than once every 2 times (2 points)

About once every 2 times (3 points)

More than once every 2 times (4 points)

Almost always (5 points)
Have you had to strain to initiate urination in the past month ?

None (0 points)

Less than once every 5 times (1 point)

Less than once every 2 times (2 points)

About once every 2 times (3 points)

More than once every 2 times (4 points)

Almost always (5 points)
How many times do you on the average get up to urinate at night after going to bed in the past month ?

None (0 points)

Once (1 point)

Twice (2 points)

3 Times (3 points)

4 Times (4 points)

5 times or more (5 points)

Total Criteria Point Count:


IPSS Score

0 to 7 Points: Minimal symptoms
8 to 19 Points: Moderate Symptoms
20 to 35 Points: Severe symptoms


  1. Barry MJ, Fowler FJ Jr, O'Leary MP, et al. The American Urological Association symptom index for benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Measurement Committee of the American Urological Association. J Urol. 1992 Nov;148(5):1549-57; discussion 1564. PubMed ID: 1279218 PubMed Logo



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